
Usinsa Vidjaya Dharani – Purifying All Evil Paths

I was introduced to this lovely woman's chants and songs yesterday. Her name is Tinna Tinh. In watching her YouTube channel, I discovered the Usinsa Vidjaya Dharani and immediately felt the need to share widely. I sincerely hope that you will play this every day at whatever time you feel is suitable - I suggest morning - because putting this purifying energy into the world is a wonderful thing for all beings. 

If you want to learn to chant along, the Sanskrit text is below (along with English translation). It's rather long, but quite beautiful. Of course, chanting yourself isn't necessary to the energy being sent into the world by playing the video, it will offer many blessings and purifying energies just by playing it. 

Today is a New Moon Day, a good day to start something positive! 

The following information has been compiled from several sources. 

The purpose of this Mahayana sutra is said to be to help sentient beings in a tumultuous and troubled world.

Usnisa Vijaya Dharani (Purifying All Evil Paths). It can eliminate all evil karmic obstacles and eradicate the suffering of all evil paths…

Usnisa Vijaya Dharani prayer lyrics:

”Namo bhagavate trailokya prativiśiṣṭaya buddhaya bhagavate.
Tadyatha, om, visodhaya visodhaya, asama-sama
Samantavabhasa-spharaṇa gati gahana svabhava visuddhe,
Abhisincatu mam. sugata vara vacana amṛta abhisekai maha mantra-padai.
Ahara ahara ayuh saṃ-dharaṇi. śodhaya sodhaya gagana svabhava visuddhe.
Usnisa vijaya visuddhe sahasra-rasmi sam-codite.
Sarva tathagata aparimaṇe sat-paramita-paripuranni.
Sarva tathagata mati dasa-bhumi prati-sṭhite.
Sarva tathagata hrdaya adhisṭhanadhisṭhita maha-mudre.
Vajra kaya sam-hatana visuddhe.
Sarva avaraṇa apaya-durgati pari visuddhe, prati-nivartaya ayuh suddhe.
Samaya adhisṭhite. Maṇi mani maha mani.
Tathata bhuta-koṭi parisuddhe. Visphuta buddhi suddhe.
Jaya jaya, vijaya vijaya. sphara sphara, sarva buddha adhisṭhita suddhe,
Vajri vajra gadhe vajram bhavatu mama sariram.
Sarva sattvanam ca kaya pari visuddhe. Sarva gati parisuddhe.
Sarva tathagata sinca me samaavasayantu.
Sarva tathagata samasvasa adhisthite.
Budhya budhya, vibudhya vibudhya,
Bodhaya bodhaya, vibodhaya vibodhaya samanta parisuddhe.
Sarva tathagata hrdaya adhisṭhanadhisṭhita maha-mudre svaha.”

English translation:


Adoration to the Blessed One who is the most excellent one in the triple world!
Adoration to the Enlightened One, to the Blessed One!
Om! Cleanse [us], cleanse [us]! O one who is always impartial! One who, being in possession of all-pervading, all-illuminating light, is pure in his self-nature, cleansed of the darkness of the five paths of existence!
Baptize us, O Sugata, with an immortal baptism which consists of the best words, of the great true phrases!
Remove disasters, remove disasters, O one who holds an eternal life!
Cleanse us, cleanse us, O one who is as pure as the sky!
O one who is as pure as the victorious Buddha-crown!
O one who is inflamed with a thousand rays of light!
O all the Tathagatas who look over [the entire world]!
O one who is perfect in the Six Paramitas!
O one who holds the great seal empowered with the spiritual power which emanates from the heart of every Tathagata!
O one whose body is as hard and pure as Vajra!
O one who is thoroughly pure, cleansed of all impediments, all fears, and all the evil paths!
Turn us away [from evils] O one who enjoys a purified life!
O one who empowers us with [the power of] the original covenant! O jewel, jewel, the great jewel! O Suchness which is reality-limit and absolute purity!
O one who is pure in his evolved enlightenment!
Be victorious, be victorious, be ever victorious, be ever victorious!
Bear in mind, bear in mind!
O one who is pure being empowered by all Buddhas!
O Vajragarbha who holds the Vajra! Let my body be like Vajra! Let those of all beings too be like Vajra!
O one who is in possession of an absolutely pure body! O one who is absolutely pure from all the paths of existence! And let me be consoled by all the Tathagatas!
O one who is empowered with the consoling power of all the Tathagatas!
Be enlightened, be enlightened, be ever enlightened, be ever enlightened!
Have them enlightened, have them enlightened, have them ever enlightened, have them ever enlightened!
O one who is most pure in a most thoroughgoing way!
O one who holds a great seal empowered with the spiritual power which emanates from the heart of every Tathagata!

Excerpted from Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Sutra

Find the text of the sutra here: USNISAVIJAYA DHARANI SUTRA

Tinna Tinh's channel: Zen Music Chant 


Abraham Hicks Quote of the Day - March 26, 2022

I thought this was really interesting. It points out that we are never creating from nothing. There is always the thing we desire - be it an object or experience - that already exists, we just need to align with it to make it part of Our experience. So, are we Creating or are we Choosing??? 

When done as a group, just imagine the level of Attraction that can be generated! 

"Whatever you are giving your attention to already has a vibration of its own, and as you give your attention to it, you include its vibration in your vibration...and then your point of attraction is affected."

Excerpted from Silver Spring, MD on 4/19/97


Theta Binaural Audio Tracks and Schumann Resonance

Listening to Theta-level audio, 4 hz to 8 hz, carries the benefits of relaxation, focus, and even memory. 

I suggest listening to a track, one of these or another you find online, will help in concentration of energy and focus on the subject of our monthly Group Law Of Attraction subject. 

For those of you familiar with the Schumann Resonance, the global measure of Earth's electromagnetic field resonance, I rather like that it's in the theta range and therefore suitable to our practices. There is an article, see link below, in which scientists suggest the Schumann Resonance affects human behavior. 

 The Theta Auto suggestion Wave - 1hr Pure Binaural Beat Session at ~(6Hz)~ Intervals


 7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance - Grounding | Stability | Earth Vibrational Frequency | Binaural Beats


 Is the Earth's "heartbeat" of 7.83 Hz influencing human behavior? https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/schumann-resonance-earths-heartbeat


How to Achieve Heart Coherence

HeartMath Quick Coherence® 2:02 Follow along with Deborah Rozman, Ph.D, co-author of Heart Intelligence, as she guides you through a 2-step process called the Quick Coherence Technique. This simple technique was developed by HeartMath.


Why Heart Coherence Is Important

Here's a bit of explanation on Heart Coherence. I'll post the how-to tomorrow.

Why heart coherence it's important to health & well-being. 2:57
What is heart coherence and why is it important to your health and well-being? In this video HeartMath Institute Research Director, Rollin McCraty, discusses heart coherence and why it's essential in stress management and lasting behavior change.


We Are All Connected With Earth - HeartMath Video

This 3-minute video was created by the HeartMath organization and shows the importance of heart coherence. Heart Coherence is the first step in our Group Law Of Attraction practice.


Group Law Of Attraction

I've been thinking about it on and off for a long time, a lot more recently in seeing/feeling some of the hostilities around us.

I'm calling it a Group Law of Attraction. The idea is that what you think and feel is what you send out into the world and it's what comes back to you. As a group, we would focus on a different feeling each week. Some topics are compassion, freedom of choice, fulfillment, balance......there are about a dozen items on the list, and I welcome your suggestions, too. There is a lot of evidence that people doing practices like this together can offer a powerful influence for good in the world. The time seems ripe for that.

The chart in the sidebar, received from Mike Dunlap (writer, hypnotherapist, and friend from Boise IONS), shows the power generated when people get together to meditate. I would love to see this group grow to be of beneficial influence to the world.

I'll explain the how-to of the techniques at an introductory meeting. The practice itself is a combination of Heart Coherence, a technique taught by the people at HeartMath, and a variation on the Metta Meditation in which you send good feelings to yourself, to another with whom you have a neutral relationship, and to one with whom you have an antagonistic relationship. (In traditional Metta, you send loving kindness, but as mentioned, I'm going to change that up a bit, and make it a group component.) We will offer a shared feeling of compassion, love, harmony, etc. to a specific group each cycle.

This is a gentle offering to everyone in the world who would like to allow or receive it. This is not a manipulation of others to win them over to one side or another, or to force change or compliance upon anyone. We will focus Only on feeling and sending and receiving uplifting feelings, emotions, 'good vibrations' as it were.

The whole practice would take about 10 minutes. I'm thinking of having a regularly scheduled live meeting with local people, and on Facebook (easy if you are already on there), or through a program like Skype or Discord for non-local folks. You'd be responsible for doing the practice daily on your own at the time most convenient to you.

If this interests you, let me know.

If you know of someone else who might be interested, please have them get in touch with me.

Usinsa Vidjaya Dharani – Purifying All Evil Paths

I was introduced to this lovely woman's chants and songs yesterday. Her name is Tinna Tinh. In watching her YouTube channel, I discovere...